Friday, May 11, 2018

On Unclean Things

It's been a crazy work week, and I'm falling behind on my drabbles... here's one from two days ago! A brief meditation on Acts 10. Friday drabble is forthcoming. :)

Sometimes God has a flair for the dramatic.

Here’s Peter, so hungry he could eat a horse if they were kosher, and a sheet drops form the sky with bleating goats, yammering chickens, and shrieking pigs tangled in the folds, a cacophonous buffet he cannot touch.

What’s wrong? Don’t call the things I’ve made unclean!

Later, a faithful centurion — a Gentile? what? — wants to meet, talk, eat with him.

Did he recognize then? The rabbi who talked to a Samaritan woman and held leprous hands said the same thing all along?

Don’t call these people I love unclean.

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