Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trusting (for) 5.31.2011

I am afraid. 
Afraid for him, his soul. 
If I hold onto him tightly
Maybe I’ll save him.
But I can’t. 
I can only speak into his life. 
I have to leave it to God.
It’s so hard to see God’ll work
Because he’s so stubborn. 
But God can save him. 
I must trust. 
But I’m afraid.
I’m afraid to lose him. 
He means so much to my life.
I realized recently how much I love him.
And then I realized how important his soul is. 
I must show true love by preaching the Truth to him. 
I am trusting. 

(I know it's not real poetry.. but.. it's my 100 words for the 31st. :) ) 


  1. I know this feeling so well.

  2. i love the format of this-i've wanted to try a poetical darbble, but nothing worked quite right for me. :)

  3. No, it is poetry! It's called free-verse. :) It's not as "hard" but it sometimes flows better than structured poetry.

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