Saturday, May 3, 2014

Jagged Edges

The Sea, he is angry for the earth loves him less
She’s chosen another, birthed a new son
Passed over, forgotten
His jealousy is ice
He throws waves like arrows, all his might to destroy her
She’s already broken as he cuts her and stabs her
She bleeds in her dust, her edges protruding

The Sea in his fury throws himself at the cliffs
reaching for the infant
her baby, her fire
Straining the bounds of his watery domain
But he cannot
he cannot
kill the fire he hates

so he must find another
and his eyes fall on me


  1. Your drabbles always leave me hanging. That's a good thing.

  2. I love the intensity in these.. It's very good..
    And I agree with Nicole.
    It's a very good thing

  3. Wow. I love how vivid and visceral this feels. And the progression is great.
