Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kermit the Hermit and the fair maiden (for 5.18, 19, 20.13)

Kermit the hermit lived on the most wondrous mountain. It was tall, majestic, misty, and magical. The sun always shone even when it rained and the birds chirped secret messages to each other. Kermit enjoyed frolicking with the unicorns and chatting with the fish. He lived in solace in a particularly beautiful meadow but one day a fair maiden somehow found her way into his wonderland. She was the practical sort, calm cool and collected; the sort that hated being lost.
“Excuse me,” she called, impatient with her own folly, “can you tell me the fastest way down the mountain?”
Kermit turned. Love. At. First. Sight. He was enthralled. When he looked at her all the birds stopped chirping and all the unicorns stopped frolicking. The mist lifted and even the waterfall ceased to flow. The maiden cleared her throat and again stated her question.
“oh, sorry.” The hermit blushed and averted his eyes. “It’s just that I’m not quite used to company—especially of the female sort.”
Sheepish grin.
The maiden was not amused.
“Yes, well, would please just point me in the right direction.”
“Umm actually I would like to ask you to stay here with me forever.”
Again the maiden was not amused.
Raising her eyebrows she exclaimed, “Please, just tell me the quickest way down the mountain. I don’t want to live with you.”
Kermit the hermit was nothing short of heartbroken.
“Fair lady, it’s just that I am quite sure that I love you. However, to please you I will answer your question. The fastest way down the mountain is just down that path.”
Without a word the maiden turned and followed the path Kermit had indicated. As she walked out of sight the hermit knew he would never love so deeply or truly again.


  1. This is fantastic!! The whimsical style of writing. The alliteration. "Love. At. First. Sight." :)
