Friday, May 31, 2013

oh Father, forgive me! {in which i share a piece of my heart}

Let’s just say I don’t agree with some (ok, most) of my coworker’s lifestyles.
And (if I’m honest) I’ve found myself judging. I’ve found myself shrinking away from them—avoiding contact because it’s uncomfortable (but God is the God of discomfort). Just this afternoon as I was about to go on break I noticed that one of my coworkers (the one I have had the most trouble interacting with) was also on break. So what did I do? I purposely sat where he wouldn’t see me so that I wouldn’t risk the awkwardness of maybe having to eat with him.

But as I thought about what I had just done I realized that it was not at all what Jesus would have done. In fact, it was the very opposite. Jesus himself provided food for the tax collectors and sinners. I had the opportunity to share a meal with someone Jesus died for, someone who needs a savior just as much as I do. I had the opportunity to build a relationship in the way Jesus so often did, to break bread with this sinner so in need of a savior. But instead I turned my face away in scorn.

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