Sunday, May 26, 2013

Somewhere in the Grey

I’m breathing hard, eyes closed, waiting for the bullet.
My gun still hovers beside my comrade’s head.
And a busload of soldiers, with curses and disbelieving shouts are drowning each other out.
I don’t listen.
But suddenly, a crackle and a voice that’s different:
“Command, this is Delta106, we have affirmative on objective. We’ve breached the perimeter.”
We’re frozen. Staring at the radio.
Because there’s some forgotten sound behind his voice.  Like music.

It’s birdsong.

Is this real?
I drop my gun.
Maybe there is sunlight on our horizon.
Somewhere beyond this ash is the place where life still lives.


  1. OOOOH this is so stinkin good...
    You did very well, love. Very well indeed.
