Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5.25.11 - Time and Reality

Fact: time travel has never truly been impossible. In fact, it is quite easy given the right circumstances. Electron particles must be forced to merge with positrons thereby utilizing their anti-material qualities and leaving nothing but pure energy. And time thrives on this. Many have not yet comprehended that time is a dimension; a state of space (or spacetime) governed by energy. Time is anything but stationary. But contrary to popular belief, time does not move in a straight line. Rather, time is like a ball of wires, with hundreds of intersecting points.
The future has already affected your past.



  1. uh-mazing. such a complex thought condensed into 100 words in such a clear way.

  2. love! i know you're into film, etc but i think you would be an excellent physicist, Bekah! science is a product of curiosity/excitement and hard work and you have an abundance of all these! :o)

  3. oh, p.s. I think I should mention that I don't necessarily think that this is fact. I took real concepts from my astronomy class and morphed them into a rough theory...haha.

    Thanks, Michelle! I have seriously considered such a field as astronomy for I am fascinated with the vastness of all beyond our little planet. But unfortunately the math deterred me.
