Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everything but Nothing 5.19.2011

He had felt empowered as he stood alone as conqueror. But now his feelings of power had withered away and left him restless. 
He left all the noise and general din around him, paced outside. Just him and the stars shining through the miles of space to blink at him that night. 
He realized even with the world at his feet. He was utterly alone. 
He wept for all he had accomplished. 
A raindrop fell onto his cheek,  heralding the downpour that mixed with his tears. The heavens rained on the man solely ruling all, showing no difference to him.   


  1. wow. this is really good. I love the depth of this even though it is only a snapshot. great job!!

  2. Thank you!!!
    I am really glad you liked it. :) I used a word generator and used some of the words and wrote it up really quickly! :)

  3. haha, I love doing that! That's how I wrote the Alice one. Although, by the time I have finished revisions, a lot of the original words have been taken out and replaced. Haha.
