Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Baby Love on Tiptoe

The first time he stood on tiptoe, he was trying to help me cook cupcakes. He clambered up onto the stool, reached his arm up, started collecting the paper liners from inside the muffin pan. My hands were covered in flour but I grabbed my phone anyway, knelt on the ground, took a picture. Not of his face or his hands. Just his baby legs and tiptoe feet.

“I hepp, Mamma. See? I hepp!”

I kissed those baby legs when he was born. Nibbled on his toes to make him laugh.

You’re growing up so fast, baby. Just slow down.


  1. this is adorable. :) I love the second to last & last line. perfect.

  2. I love this Nik! Excellent job capturing the moment.
