Friday, May 13, 2011

5.12.11 cascade - a drabble of 100 words

“Look out, Captain! It’s a huge waterfall!”

The boat careened wildly toward the precipice. The water leaped over the cliff, heedless of the sharp rocks at the bottom. The river dragged the boat along in its mad flight, despite the desperate workings of its captain and crew.

“Captain, we’re not going to make it!”

The young mother looked outside her kitchen window, absently stirring her chocolate chip cookies. At the edge of the yard, she could see her little son playing with the garden hose, piles of small stones, and a plastic ship. Behind her, the pasta pot boiled over.


  1. sharp rocks at the bottom?
    most likely!
    bring it on! booooyaaaahhh!

  2. I was wondering and hoping that someone would get that reference. :)
