Friday, May 6, 2011

Krondstadt. March 1921. [5.6.2011]

The door to the war room burst open and a soldier entered, out of breath. The cold draft that swirled in behind him disturbed the maps and papers strewn across the large table. It chilled the officers who looked up in surprise at the noisy intrusion.  
“They’re coming, sir!” The red-faced soldier gasped. 
The officers faces grew grave. They knew to what the soldier was referring. Their rebellion was coming to a close before it started. They were stranded in ice, their navy useless. 
“The Bolshevik army!” he cried. 
The fearful shouting and gunshots began. Chaos began.
“They’re here.”


  1. Oh, a history drabble, nice!! once again, the drama is great! :D

  2. Thank you. :) I do like history classes... so many ideas and stories came from the class.. :)

    Thanks for all the encouraging comments!!! I'm glad the drama that I see in my head is coming through to the drabbles.. :)
