Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Sour Trick (5.11.11)

“I wouldn’t eat that if I were you!” I turn and see my friend, Casey, eyebrows raised and looking slightly amused. Then I look back at her twin brother, Adam. In his right hand is a big, green gumball and in his left the gumball bag.

“Why shouldn’t I, Case?”

“Well it’s your choice; just know I strongly advise against it.”

I decide I would take my chances and take the gumball. I pop it in my mouth and bite. My lips pucker, my eyes water, and I run for the trashcan.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Casey laughs.


  1. haha this is funny! Is this a true story?? :)

  2. no, thankfully i have never experienced the extreme sourness of those gumballs, but i have seen people eat them. (i must say, 'tis quite a funny spectacle!)

  3. this is so funny! (; once upon a time, i did unhappily come across one of these...O.O yikes...
