Thursday, May 2, 2013

I missed it somewhere. I made a wrong turn at the start, 
and in some anxious stumble,
I ended up at the end.
There was supposed to be something that filled up the middle, a plot of sorts. 
Something worth it.
A point.
It all starts with a nothingness, then it builds. It heightens, 
gradually, slowly, methodically, until,
The peak.
Where things go fast. Where memories are made, 
the ones that you have at the end.
Where real life happens.
But I don't remember the climax. Though sometimes, 
I think I can see the end.
Or is it the beginning?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh my goodness! you can write!! why didn't you tell me???
    (this is really good, by the way)

  3. No.. You don’t stink at writing... You are really really good..
    This is brilliant.

  4. This is awesome! You don't stink at writing.

  5. Thanks,
    Um, I guess I didn't tell you because I don't write very often anymore because I usually don't like it. =|

    Writing just 100 words doesn't take too long though if you aren't to0 perfectionistish about it, which is the hard part...
