Wednesday, May 8, 2013


It’s just a number. Just three digits. Sometimes blinking red. Sometimes on a horizontal bar. But always in my mind. Always in the back of my head, dictating my happiness that moment, that day.

There are other numbers in play too. Each bite that enters my mouth has numbers attached to it. Those numbers make me feel good or guilty, depending on how many I have left for that twenty-four hour period. And the tally at the end of the day makes me worthy or unworthy.

It’s funny how numbers can sometimes define everything about who I think I am.


  1. this is so good. and excellent last line.

  2. good thoughts, nikki. and well captured in 100 words.
    it's so easy to forget that God's three words (i love you) mean more (now and eternally) than those three numbers on the scale.
