Thursday, May 9, 2013

the funny thing is that this makes grammatical sense.

The mluchy parf shlumulated the makky sherm (or at least he tried to). But what the mluchy parf didn’t smark  is that the makky sherm fugulated the pluge in the parf’s garg. Gimkley, the parf huggled jun the freg mequ. As parf kulmogated the makky sherm, the sherm guyultated the pluge in the garg. He made the pluge nufi and ner, he carkeled and mudged that pluge until it wheld mije carloh on the garg. So when the mluchy parf karjed hunon the makky sherm, the huggled pluge on the garg hubitted the parf and the makky sherm vried miyorious.  

1 comment:

  1. I want to see an illustrated version of this. Just so I know what's going on. :)
