Sunday, May 12, 2013

small talk

"Can't find what you're looking for, huh?"
"Yeah. My wife sent me out to get some pam for the brownies she's making. 
What's Pam anyway? She expects me to know, but, quite frankly, I really don't. Heck, the only thing I can cook is a poptart, but she doesn't let me eat those, says it's not good for my health."
He clutches his swollen belly. 
"Don't see where she's coming from, to be honest! But, I love her. 63 years and I wake up every morning with her next to me and i think to myself, 'Can't believe we've put up with each other for this long.'"
His hand finds the Pam on the shelf. 
"I think I'm gonna go buy her a dozen roses. Just 'cause I love her so much."