Thursday, May 2, 2013

Words Can’t Describe

Words muddle my thoughts and jumble my emotions. The lexicon of the brain cannot be expected to supply the heart and soul with an adequate vocabulary. I wish to think in thoughts and feel with emotions, not with the words that insufficiently “summarize” them. But, Language, you skirmish incessantly against my experiences. Wernicke and Broca, you warmongers, unharness my heart and unfasten my feelings from your words. From spectrums base and visceral to blissful and heavenly you fail me.  I am more than an adjective modified noun performing verbs. Maybe this doesn't make any sense—I can’t find the words.


  1. The last two sentences. Wow.

  2. Wow. Brilliant is about all i can say to describe that which is your drabble....
