Monday, May 21, 2012

Manhattan Jungle {6.20.12}

The yellow taxi lurches forward.
"Finally!" The man behind the wheels says under his extremely-artificially-minty breath.
His hands clutch the worn leather wheel and he pops another Altoid in. He's already gone through half a box.
It's just for good measure, he thinks to himself.
The streets are full of people on their way home from work, some trying to get a taxi, others unlocking their own cars, while the bare minimum are just simple getting some exercise.
The car abruptly stops. Again.
He lays on the horn and a loud, screaming noise erupts from the vehicle.
He starts yelling expletives at the poor old woman whose probably just trying to make her way back to her apartment which surely smells of cheap perfume.
blasted j-walkers!
he pops another altoid in. for good measure, of course.