Monday, May 21, 2012

“You are my accuser. Now look in my face.” May 21, 2012 (Thank you Rachael for this prompt)

The room erupted. Men were yelling, women were screaming. The judge was bellowing, and smashing his gavel until it snapped in half.
Chaos reigned.
I was breathing heavily, and all eyes were resting on me, some kind, others not. The judge leaned down from his bench, sweat beaded on his brow.
            “Answer the question.”
I took a shaky breath, I gulped and slowly let the words escape my mouth.
The man across the table looked at me with dead eyes, devoid of the emotion that was filling the room.
The prosecutor said something, and pointed. I nodded, unable to speak.


  1. Niice. well done..
    And thank you Mumford and Sons, from which I got the inspiration for this prompt. :)

  2. Yay Mumford!! I like that you didn't actually say what the question or answer was - left it all up to my imagination.
